Technology 3D Printing

Research in the fields of biomedicine, computing and smart cities has resulted in emerging technologies that will bring about a major revolution. Here are five of the most relevant chosen by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

3D Metal Printing

3D printing is not new, but printers that produce metal parts are. In the end, they have been able to print with high quality and a fast process. This will make it possible to reduce costs and avoid the part in which companies have to keep a large stock of parts since they can be made personalized and on the spot.

Printers already on sale offer software that generates print-ready designs. It is only necessary to specify the characteristics of the object and the software program will produce the model for printing. The price is not exorbitant either, for 80,000 euros you can buy a 3D printer for metal parts.

Artificial Embryos

The aim of designing artificial embryos is to make it possible to study the beginnings of human life. Researchers at the University of Cambridge, Michigan and Rockefeller University have created structures similar to mouse embryos with stem cells that use neither eggs nor sperm – only cells extracted from another embryo. Thanks to this advance, it will be possible to study how the cells of an early embryo begin to assume their specialized functions. Laboratories will also have tools such as genetic editing to investigate these embryos as they grow.

The Sensitive City

The sensors will help to build smart cities. A significant amount of information is being collected in one neighborhood in Toronto, Canada, through sensors that monitor air quality, noise levels and people’s activity, among other features. Once this data is collected, it will be provided to other companies to design and develop high-tech services to transform the Toronto neighborhood.

Artificial Intelligence in The Cloud

Until now, Artificial Intelligence was within reach of a few. Having it in the cloud will make it reach anywhere in the world and costs will decrease.

In this regard, Amazon and Microsoft are collaborating to offer Gluon, an open source, deep learning library. It makes it as easy to build neural networks as it is to build applications for mobile phones. The development of Artificial Intelligence in sectors such as energy, medicine or manufacturing would help boost economic productivity.

Simultaneous Translation Headphones

The live translation came through Google. The Pixel Buds headphones, which cost 130 euros, allow for simultaneous translation, although it is not without errors. The application recognizes the language in which you are speaking and translates aloud what the other person is saying through the headphones. It is a first step that will facilitate communication in a globalized world.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

They are the automation tools that allow you to perform simulations in your business process. It is essential to identify, describe and improve the processes that make your business work. It is the basis for you to determine which parts of the processes can be modified to make your business more efficient and competitive. The new technologies thus make it possible to save costs and facilitate simulations to see if the changes they want to make are feasible and will give good results.

These innovations are outstanding, and the amazing thing is that every day there is newer stuff coming up that we need to look out for. Stay tuned and be amazed by the new creations that this technological world is coming up with.