Security Options to Consider at a Storage Facility

Not only is security at storage facilities important for the safety of your belongings, but it’s also crucial for business owners who store confidential information. Look for a facility with gated access that requires a code, key card, or swipe to enter 24/7. Ask the storage facility their office hours and how often they patrol the premises. Also, ask if they have security cameras that are operating 24/7.

Security Cameras

Monitoring storage solutions Kansas City MO in real time can provide a strong deterrent against theft and vandalism. Some storage facilities will even contract security companies to patrol the area and inspect individual storage units for damage, unlocked doors, and cleanliness.

These cameras can be set up to trigger alarms or alert the facility’s staff if they detect any suspicious activity. Some will also encrypt or scramble live streams and archived videos to prevent hackers from accessing information.

Another great security feature is tenants’ ability to lock their storage units remotely. Renters can do this by entering their access code at the front gate to activate a button on their unit. It can be done at home or on the road, so long as their device has internet access.

Look for smart security cameras that offer this capability and can send notifications directly to a tenant’s smartphone. This feature can also be a strong deterrent against thieves since criminals don’t want to be filmed committing a crime.

24-Hour monitoring

A great way to make sure your belongings are safe in a storage facility is by having 24-hour monitoring. It can include security cameras that record around the clock, ensuring no one can take your items. It can also include an alarm system that will sound if someone other than the unit’s owner tries to get into it, scaring off any would-be thieves.

Another thing that will help keep your belongings safe is to have a fence around the facility. A gate that can only be opened with a code or keycard is also a good feature. It ensures that only the people you allow on your property can enter.

Many facilities that have gated access also have a resident manager on site. It adds security and gives the facility a more personal touch. They may even have specific office hours and gate access times to prevent unauthorized people from entering the facility after hours.

Fire Safety

Storage units are packed with combustible materials, making them more fire-resistant. Facilities must use proper fire prevention devices, such as alarms and fire extinguishers, to protect their renters’ belongings. These devices are crucial for safety and can help deter break-ins by making it much harder for burglars to get away with their crimes. In addition, they also help in the event of a break-in by providing footage that can be used to catch the culprits.

High-quality storage facilities that invest in various security features like gated access, video surveillance, and fire safety are more likely to attract customers and earn their business. That is why marketing these features in your marketing campaigns is important. 

Gated Access

When clients rent a storage unit, they want to be confident that their items are safe. It includes knowing that the facility gate is secure, preventing unauthorized access. It can be challenging for a self-storage owner, especially using an outdated access control system.

The most common types of gated access at storage facilities include keypads and cards. Customers pick a PIN when they sign up to rent that they will enter into the keypad at the entrance gate. Alternatively, they will hold their access card to a scanner when entering the gates.

While both access control systems are good, software-focused gate entry systems provide better security. They are integrated directly into the facility management software, creating real-time synchronization to determine who is coming and going.

New and paid tenants will instantly get access, while delinquent customers will be restricted. It also makes it easier for owners to send, revoke, or monitor electronic keys remotely.