If you happen to be a homemaker who loves baking, why not take this opportunity to start a business. The good thing is that you do not have to leave home to earn extra income. If you have the skills, time and a stable internet connection, you have a bright future ahead of you. Baking is an exciting recreational hobby, but since there is a significant demand for cakes and pastries in almost every community, why not convert your hobby into an income-generating activity. So here are some tips on how to get started.
Start with a business plan
Your online bakeshop needs a plan because it will serve as your guidelines on how to run your business. Write down your long and short term objectives and your corresponding action plans. Make sure to keep your targets realistic and measurable to avoid feeling overwhelmed about running the business.
Set up your workplace
Since you would like to bake your products from home, it would be nice if you have a separate place or a tiny kitchen. It would help if you treated this place as your office where you can work without getting interrupted by other family members. Also having a separate kitchen prevents your cakes and pastries from getting contaminated.
Buy some baking supplies
There are times where you might accept multiple or bulk orders all at the same time. That is why it is essential to stock up on baking supplies in bulk. You would need flour, sugar, eggs, milk and baking powder. However, if you are planning to specialise in fruit cakes, cookies and candies you should never run out of glace fruit from your supply closet so you can always cater these kinds of products to your client.
Get your business permit
Even home-based businesses also need to be registered because you will be required to pay for taxes after some time. Head over to the city hall to file the necessary paperwork. Since you are running a food business, there is a chance that a health and sanitation office would come by your place to inspect your workplace.
Set up your online store
There are so many options on how to sell your products online. First, you can create your website by hiring a programmer to do it for you. Second is by selling cakes and pastries using your social media accounts like Facebook and Instagram. For starters, your family and close friends would be your first clients, so make sure to impress them with your goodies so they can recommend your business to others through word of mouth.
Lastly, think about your logistics. Who is going to take charge of delivering your cakes to your clients? Are you willing to do the legwork or will your clients agree to pick it up from your house? Work with local couriers who are eager to pick up the goods and deliver them straight to your client’s doorstep. They should be reliable, so you will be more confident to accept more orders.